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Visiting a new church can be overwhelming.
Here are some frequently asked questions to help make it a little easier.


What time do you have services?

Sunday at 9:30 am, followed by an informal coffee hour.


What should I wear?

Some people wear suits and dresses, some people wear jeans or khakis. Wear what you are comfortable in.

Which door do I go in?

Any door is fine! Most of our regular attenders use the side door (by the ramp) but the doors to the sanctuary are fine as well.


What will happen when I walk into church?  

Someone will (probably) greet you, hand you a bulletin, and then you may select a place to sit in the church.  There are no assigned or reserved seats in church. 


What about my kids?  

We LOVE kids at Epiphany. We have special activity boxes for kids who are with us in worship and Rev. April always finds special ways to include kids who want to be included in worship. That said, we are in a process of re-building. There aren't many kids here right now, but we hope in the coming years we will rebuild the long-time family ministries that have been a part of this church. 


What is the service like?

The service is about an hour long and comes out of The Book of Common Prayer, though we are a fairly casual bunch and don't take ourselves too seriously. We sing together and have a small choir who leads us Sometimes we have an organist and sometimes we are accompanied by guitar, concertina, and any other musicians who happen to be there that day! 

What about women/LGBTQ folks/people of color/disabled folks?

Our priest is a woman who is married to a trans person. Many of our congregation members have longtime experience working as allies for racial justice in this country and abroad. We are already a congregation of varying abilities and are always happy to make room for more! In short: everyone is welcome.

What if I don't believe all that stuff in the Bible?

Ha - Then you're in the right place! But seriously, we are a congregation who values the process of asking questions together in community over anyone having the "right" answer. Whatever you believe or don't believe, you are welcome here.

Do I have to put money in the offering/collection plate? 

No one is required to put money in the offering plate! We hope, that if you hang around long enough, you'll want to contribute to the life of the parish in whatever way is right for you. But if you're just visiting, please know there is no pressure to give.


How will I know it is time to go up to the altar for communion?

Ushers will let you know when it is time for your pew to go up for communion.  

Do I have to stay for coffee hour?

Of course not, but some of the best conversations happen after church as we eat cake. If you feel a little uncomfortable, just look for our priest, April - she's always looking to get to know new folks!

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