This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday - a day that Christians all over the world remember Jesus' entry through the gates of Jerusalem. There are many debates about the various symbols of Palm Sunday, but one that has always stuck with me is that Jesus rode a donkey, not a horse, through the gates. People shouted "Hosanna!" to a man riding on a donkey - an animal of peace - not a horse, which would have been what warriors rode into war. It calls to mind the photo Taking a Stand in Baton Rouge, by Jonathan Bachman, which you may remember from the protests of 2016. Click here to see the photo.
May we all continue to support those on the front lines working for justice and peace, and walk through our own lives with the gentle courage and patience that the work requires.
Join us for our Palm Sunday Procession at 9:15 am on Main Street. We'll have our regular service at 9:30 am.
And, for those of you who like to plan ahead, don't forget about Good Friday on 4/7 at 12pm!